On Thursday, we had the privilege of joining the members of Slough 50plus Forum as they celebrated their 25th anniversary at Trinity Church. Led by Chair Marcia Wright, the event highlighted the group’s resilience over the years. Over the course of a quarter century, the group has been a consistent voice for Slough’s older residents.
We have been fortunate to have had the opportunity to collaborate with the Slough 50plus Forum, fostering connections between different generations within the community. Our involvement has included a range of activities such as team-building exercises, artistic endeavours, sharing memories, and playing board games. We’re eagerly anticipating hosting a summer tea party for forum members.
At the anniversary celebration, we were honoured to share our thoughts. Intern Owen Domoney expressed how much he personally gained from engaging with forum members, particularly noting the unique connection it offers to those lacking access to grandparents due to distance or loss. Our CEO, Rob Deeks, praised the forum’s role in enhancing Slough’s social fabric by combating loneliness and providing a platform for outreach to older residents. He also commended Marcia and her committee for their unwavering dedication to sustaining the forum despite the numerous challenges faced by all community groups.
The event also featured speeches from Council Leader Dexter Smith, Slough Mayor Councillor Amjad Abbasi, and a captivating spoken word poetry performance by forum member Dolly Baskaran.
We look forward to continuing our journey of collaboration with the remarkable people constituting Slough’s 50plus Forum, and extend our heartfelt wishes for many more successful years ahead.